2017, a Great Year for Real Estate in Romania

To have success means to have a vision. And this is a moving target. Your goal is to have it


Yesterday, EBC was present at the 2nd edition of “Real Estate – Quo Vadis?”, an event held by DeBizz magazine. Developers, builders, and experts in the field analyzed the current challenges and future prospects for the development of the real estate market and the construction industry.


2017, a Year of Great Possibilities


If 2016 was one of the most prolific years for real estate since 2008, now everybody expects much more from this year, starting with major developers and investors. The market began to know a maturing process after years of recession and post-crisis period. This year edition of “Real Estate – Qvo Vadis?” conference discussed the main problems that this market is facing nowadays, but it also emphasized a real fact: Romania has become an attractive point and an important market for Europe.


Europe, receives a “YES” from the investors 


Recent studies show that investors returned to Central and Southern Europe because of one attractive reality: the mix of affordable costs and good skills. Romania is one of the target countries. If for the moment they can easily find here educated and talented employees, it is not known what will be in the coming years, since the forecasts predict that the biggest problem will be the labor force. This market needs at least 500k employees and the wages will be double in the next 3 years.

EBC’s, Sandra Tanase, thinks that nowadays companies must have a broader vision on success and performance. Romania is a market that is doing much better than others, and it can create opportunities.  The right financing  and adaptation are the two keys that lead to a company final’s objectives. This means that success is a moving target – reach it wherever you are.


For financial advice, please contact

Sandra Tanase

Managing Partner | Head of Israel Mission


Mob: +40 79 9999299








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